Tina is probably going to kill me but...
I recropped these pictures - to get out the straps and just to play around with cropping...When we took these pics - we were kind of just messing around and not really thinking of these being senior shots (she ended up using them as pics) I use them sometimes just to keep learning things from them...anyway I cropped them and fixed them up a bit with actions I have purchased since these were taken....I have learned a ton since these pics -things about light, posing, etc...but it's still fun to take these and do stuff with them! I also want to remember that cropping makes a difference -for instance not leaving too much headroom (I shoot with some headroom because otherwise 8X10's won't work....) but I have to remember to crop!

The light is not great on her face but I love her smile here! and well - this was more about cropping anyway....

I loved this next pic (she look so pretty) but didn't like the white I took them out and then wanted to crop it to see if I could change the direction her head was tilted...

They are awesome! Pictures are great when your subjects are pretty.
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