Hamilton High School Senior Portrait | Haley | Los Angeles Senior Portrait Photographer
Associate Work.
I have taken some time off the past couple months and for the next two months from shooting (if you have booked me prior to this decision, don't worry ... I have it scheduled!) We have had a lot of basketball and softball and it has been so nice to just concentrate on my family this season. We had an extremely busy wedding season last year (photographed 18!) and I needed some time to catch up on the albums as well. I am going to start booking again in May for lifestyle sessions and I am currently booking for weddings. My associates have been taking my overflow work and have done an amazing job. The main associate photographer has worked with me for 5 years and currently does all my shoots with me, my editing and my album design (and she happens to be my daughter)...the newest employee has been with me for 5 months and happens to be my niece :) She is great with the camera and amazing at all the administrative side. You can click on the link in the bar to follow their blog.
I am going to keep my associate business open even when I start booking for May as it's something my clients can benefit from in the future. If you love the quality and service of my company but want to save on the price, by booking an associate photographer, you will get a similar style to mine, but the editing and image transfer will be through Tracy Dodson Photography.
For more on this lovely senior girl please click here: Haley

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