Hart High School Senior Portraits | Santa Clarita Valley Senior Portrait Photographer | 2014 Senior Portraits
Associate Senior!
We have some exciting news coming up for this photography business. We are now offering associate photographers. Jessy has shot with me for the past 5 years or so - many many weddings, tons of seniors, families and children. She is going to be taking on many of the the seniors for me this coming year as that is her specialty and what she loves to shoot most of all. She and I will be training a new employee and aspiring photographer (Alyssa) to help her in this endeavor. There will be details to follow in the next week or so... They are also doing Christmas family mini sessions in Murrieta.
But for now...this is Blake - he's a senior at Hart High School in Newhall, CA and an amazing and talented young man. He is incredible at guitar...pretty sure he will be famous someday...he surfs, he sings, he's fun....There was lots of laughing going on....most senior guys do these types of shoots for their Mom's so he is also one of the nicest kids there is and anyone that knows him will attest to this....Even though this was for him mom, pretty sure he thought this was fun...
Enjoy their day as you see it in this AWESOME images. As you can imagine after you see this blog post, I am a proud Mom and Auntie to see these girls pull off this amazing shoot. I went along and of course had to keep walking away to let the girls do their thing...it was quite comical... Stay tuned to the blog for more information on how you can book an associate senior shoot at discounted pricing. I'm exited for them and what the future holds...especially when I took a look at this last night..

Great job girls!! Can't wait to do Preston's!
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