Temecula Family Photography | Family Photographer | Tracy Family 2011
We were supposed to do 15 year anniversary pictures but we had to cancel – can’t remember why – then we had to cancel due to the awful heat wave…finally were able to shoot a couple weeks ago and decided to capture the whole family – we did a lot – had a blast, and laughed a TON! It is 1 a.m. right now – I should be sleeping…so please ignore all the comments I make. Enjoy!1
So this top picture is one of my all time favorite family photos…I am sure if I have taken your pictures, one of yours is in that top list too! But really - this is at the top of the top - everyone looks cute - Lara looks pretty - I love the expressions...I like the lighting and color...blah blah blah blah blah - see for yourself...
I know – they are pretty much perfect…After I shot this night, I must confess I was jealous…I wish I had done this when my kids were little – I did have pictures done – but not like this where we played around a lot…I am actually due for a photoshoot and am doing one soon – I keep getting jealous (in a nice way) of the fun the families have together and the pictures they get! I like how they dressed too – super super cute!
How awesome are they? You can see where all their children get their good looks…from their Mommy – just kidding Jonas…
see??? they are all soooo cute! I love them…and now I miss them…
yes his eyes are that blue and that cute…they will have to lock him up in junior high…I know because I am on my 4th junior higher...I know how they are...
Poor Kaitie – she wasn’t herself – but still so cute – went home that night and had a fever and was sick for over a week! with croup! How is she still the cutest thing ever? oh and this reminds me, I owe her a treat!
awesome older big sis – she is such a great girl – she helps me with Stephanie all the time during youth group…I love how she would just break out in spontaneous laughter – which is why I like this picture a lot – cuz it’s her sweet laughing face…
she will need to be locked up in high school…or Jonas will have to get a gun
see how awesome her laugh is???? I might have to print this for myself because it makes me smile…
sooo cute! I love his gap in his teeth – I just love this kid…
since this was supposed to be about their anniversary – we did some anniversary type photos….which I might add they pulled off very well…Emma helped me with the poses…so many cute ones..here are a few…
the gorgeous Wife and Mommy and also my dear friend…Lara is one of the sweetest, kindest women I know…
here are some more of sweet “I don’t feel good but I will be perfectly obedient and friendly anyway and still look amazingly cute” child:
oh I LOVE her! She is that cute and that happy and soooo much fun!
Caleb was laughing because I had them kiss her- he was just beside himself – to kiss a girl – yuck!
they are just yummy…. so so yummy…
classic side shot from Jessy – love it..'
they also ate pudding (it was supposed to be ice cream) – I probably shouldn’t let out our secret – did you think it was ice cream? we had sort of a picnic…. Caleb’s face is classic – did he not know this was about pictures? He is looking at me, “like seriously? are you really going to take a picture now??? Can’t you see I am eating?”
So not sure I should confess this next one….no one probably reads what I write anyway – seeing that I am really an accountant and all and NOT a writer…but there is cooking sherry in those wine glasses…and that makes me laugh as this is such a setup…and why are they laughing? I have not a clue – but whenever I think that there was cooking sherry in there, I crack up considering we are at Wilson Creek – which is known for it’s wine!
I love this picture – makes me smile as I type this…Don’t tell them I let it out about the cooking sherry…
so here they are being cute again in the picture below – totally unposed – I turned around and they were laying this cute and talking –staring into each other’s eyes while holding hands…I was so fortunate to get this picture…
Caleb found one of my biggest fears in life…that’s right a grasshopper. Whenever I read the OT and it talks of the 10 plagues – I think I would have died in the locust plague – literally. One time I walked home from the mailbox and there were 100s in the street – I had to run through them – they started hopping and flying – it was like a horror movie - I thought I was going to pass out…this is just one – but it’s enormous and it was out to get me…
I was so brave to take this next picture – I think they should pay me extra – actually Jessy had this angle – I was directly in front of him – right where the grasshopper wanted to hop – right at me – but he didn’t…Jessy’s angle makes it seem like it is super close to Caleb’s mouth – in reality it was closer to me and my camera – that’s how brave I am – you know Tracy – means brave – very fitting don’t ya think? Caleb is brave that is for sure!
they are so cute – two peas in a pod (seriously they are) – love them! Jonas is amazing dad…
I just love this family- look at Katelyn’s face! Hilarious – what is she smirking at? Probably Caleb… Such pretty girls…
secrets – thinking that Emma is telling Kate that she took a drink of the cooking sherry
I love my 16-35 lens - it takes the coolest pictures..of the coolest people..
Okay- so this next one is probably my favorite memory of the night – Caleb was happily playing football with his dad – sort of heaven for him I think - he is really into football at this moment ….anyway I (the dumb annoying photographer who decided to ruin his fun) ask if the whole family can play – guess who got the ball and who wouldn’t give it back - yes the cute one who was really sick but livened up for football! Please LOOK AT Caleb in the background – this was not turning out how he wanted it! He said, “I knew that would happen…” meaning that if we give the ball to Kate – she won’t give it back – don’t ya just love little sisters????? Little sisters are sooo good for big brothers...
Look at the joy on her face!!! It’s blurry but it’s classic! I love it – it was super dark at this time – I shot with the ISO all the way up… I don't think Caleb has moved..
she still has it – Caleb decided to join in the fun…
this was her hike – she was supposed to hike it right way – but instead she ran 10 feet or so and hiked it while running – it was soooo funny!
yes – he finally got the ball – he ran as fast as he could!
Can you print this for his room please?
Love you Tracy family – you guys are amazing – it is a JOY and PRIVILEGE to know you and serve with you at FBC.

Please LIKE This ....haha - that sounds funny...I better go to bed - it is now 1:16..yikes
Our afternoon with you at Wilson Creek was a blast. Your enthusiasm is contagious! Tracy is amazing and gifted by the Lord to bring out the best in people...that, paired with a great camera, is quite a combo! Listen people, it's quite an effort to do a family photo shoot, but soooo worth it. And the best part is spending time with the Dodsons:)
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