Samantha + Brandon | Los Angeles Engagement Photography | Tracy Dodson Photography
Samantha was a bridesmaid in a wedding I photographed back in March of this year. She was so sweet and so excited for her turn!!! I was so stoked to get her wall post on Facebook on my photography page!
Her fiancĂ© is amazing like her. We had a great time wandering all over. Brandon is a drill sergeant in the Marine Corps…hard to believe because he is sooooooooo nice and friendly!!! don't get me wrong - I know drill sergeants are normal....but I still can’t imagine him yelling at anyone!!!! I get a little star struck (maybe an understatement....) but Brandon was soooo cool!!! My brother was a marine sergeant so I know what happens at boot camp!! I asked him if he yelled and he laughed! When he first got to the shoot - he couldn't even talk - seriously!!! AND I can’t believe how hard he works and the hours he puts in. He is SUCH a hard worker - Those marines are amazing!!! I want a picture of him in his DI uniform and her in her gown at the wedding!! I am hoping he brings it - you said you would Brandon!!! So thankful for all the military in our country - It was so fun to talk to him about his job. \
and GET THIS – Guess where Samantha goes to school???? Well only the best college ever….UCLA! She is so fun, so nice, so sweet and so beautiful - inside and out. They were so fun together and made us laugh the whole time – super easy to shoot…
I love the vintage edits Jessy did in these next pictures…. – they are edited normally too but I just loved these…Pandora from Florabella…
Brandon was amazing at spotting spiders – crazy – and they are HUGE at this place!! This one was in the middle of where we were walking and he spotted him!! At least there are NO snakes that I have seen…
I love this shed – it’s so cool – I have no idea why it’s there…there is nothing in it – except a huge spider and some old electrical thing….I used to get nervous about old abandoned buildings…I see many- I always wonder if there will be something scary to surprise me someday (ya know what I mean??) …but on this day, as always, it was still just the HUGE spider that is always there in his huge amazing web….I took a picture of it but it’s not on here…not sure why I put the one above it on? Oh I know – it’s because Brandon spotted it and it was impossible to see!!! I had to have him stand behind it so I could take a picture – my camera couldn’t even find him!
anyway back to the couple – they look good by the shed yes??? :)
the light was warm, creamy and amazing this particular afternoon..
Their kids are going to be soooo cute!!!! I hope they have lots! and I hope they still live by me so I can take there photographs!!!
I know, I know…I should photoshop the initials to say B+ S….maybe I will for their engagement book! But maybe M & J will go on here and see their little sign on the tree - hahahaha
so…we can’t wait for your wedding!! It’s going to be soooo awesome – and by that time my kids will be out of school for the summer – YAY!!!

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