Diandra + Werner | San Diego Wedding Photography | Tracy Dodson Photography
sooo…I know I say it all the time – but I LOVED This couple – they are soooo awesome!!! Diandra and Audie are bridesmaids in each others weddings which are two weeks apart (in January)! So fun to be able to do the photography for both brides…
When Diandra and Werner came over we laughed so much! I love how they met – he was an usher and he spotted her her in church!! He is from South Africa – so cool….After meeting him, I thought how different it is to be raised here instead of somewhere else. Werner is so mature – hahahha – that sounds so funny but he doesn’t seem like a typical 23 year old – he has his set goals – he has thought of his future and how he wants his family to be. I asked him if he thought kids are raised differently there and he said, “for sure!” Raised to be super responsible – accountable for their own actions – etc… He spotted Diandra in church and made sure he was able to meet her – and he made a good decision that day – because she is AMAZING – so sweet, so fun – …so clearly in love with this man from South Africa – so ready to devote her life to him…
enjoy the pictures - I love all the variety in their images – we had such a great time – gut laughed a lot – wanted to go get coffee after but Werner had to watch a rugby match (again – how cool is that????)
different angle than I normally do – love the way jessy edited it…
this restaurant was closed but here were workers inside – they gave us chairs etc… so nice!
an abandoned pretty front porch…
La Jolla never disappoints…love all the textures in the rocks…and they look so cute in front of that texture…
they had to run fast because the tide was super super high – you can see how wet the sad is…worth it though cuz look how cute these next pictures are! I wish I had pictures of Robert and I running in La Jolla in our early 20s…
some of my favs are in this section…
see that water in the back of this next picture?? they were standing over on the edge and Diandra got soaked!!! oops!

Amazing photographs... I really like the way you share... Appreciating work..
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