Santa Clarita Family Photography
***UPDATE: Karen went to be with the Lord on November 8th. I am sure that she heard the words, "well done MY good and faithful servant." Please be in prayer for her sweet family and friends that will miss her dearly.
Original Post:
I was coming to take another family’s photographs (the MacArthurs…see post below) when Patty called me and told me about this family (I had been praying for Karen for about a year for her stomach cancer but had never met her) …..
Karen was diagnosed with terminal cancer a few days before I came. She knew she had the cancer a year ago but it just wasn’t going away. Her whole side of the family was in town the morning I was. Somehow they all had white shirts!!! I didn’t tell them what to wear nor did they ask – I actually wondered what they would do since this wasn’t planned and was very last minute.
We headed to the Placerita Canyon Nature Center and did a family shoot for Karen’s family, immediate and extended. It was a blessing for me and we had a lot of fun. Karen had gotten out of the hospital either the day before or the night before that ….she did amazing on the photoshoot. I couldn’t believe her stamina.
This is Karen – so beautiful. We had shot for about 45 minutes or an hour at this point – she had just had surgery! She is amazing – The Lord really blessed her that morning with feeling good – really blessed her the whole weekend – they had a huge family dinner that night.
Karen’s caring bridge site is: Karen's Caring Bridge Please be praying for her as she is preparing to see her Lord and Savior. I really don’t even know what to say – go read her site – it’s amazing. Her whole life brings glory to the Lord.
I just fell in love with this whole family – their love for Christ, their love for each other – especially Karen…and all the senses of humor!!! They were a crack up! especially Preston and the Uncles!
Here are some of the many shots…
everyone….Karen’s original family plus Kent :)
A tradition to take pictures of their feet around an object – they were hilarious!
thought the circle was cute so I had them all look up! I was balancing on a wobbly log holding my camera over the group – hoping they were in it and that I wouldn’t drop my camera!
There were so many flies!! this picture cracks me up!

Gorgeous pictures that will forever be cherished! What a wonderful opportunity to give them that.
I cried. So glad you were able to take their pictures. Such a beautiful family.
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