Newborn Baby | Sadie 11 days old |Temecula & Murrieta Baby Photography
The Fish's came over for Sadie's newborn pictures - she is 11 days old here. It was a blast to have them over and I hope thye come to play again - Stephanie and Paisley are so much alike and they had an awesome time....although they did pick about 100 peaches off my tree ...and they were about the size of a marble....
Sadie was so sweet - did not want to sleep but finally did :) These are not in any order - Kristin wanted to see a variety of edits so there are a bunch of different ones in this post :) At the end - we took everyone outside for some more of Sadie and a quick picture on the grass.
How is it that every picture you take of newborns they have the most amazing lips!? What a cutie though!
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